
Breeding of the Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata in native and exotic woodlands near Armidale, New South Wales

The breeding behaviour and habitat of three groups of Hooded Robins Melanodryas cucullata were studied near Armidale, on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales, from winter 2006 to winter 2007, by quantifying nest sites, colour-banding nestlings, and observing Robin families until beyond independence of the banded juveniles. Egg-laying commenced in September, and continued until December for the last of fi ve consecutive unsuccessful clutches (all C/2). Two broods (each B/2) fl edged, after an incubation to fl edging period of 27 days, including a nestling period of more than 11 days. Breeding productivity was 1.3 fl edglings/group and 0.57 fl edglings/attempt (nest success and fl edging success were both 29%; n = 3 pairs or groups, 7 nests). Fledglings were dependent on their parents for eight weeks, with post-juvenile moult starting at 6–8 weeks and completed by 6–7 months post-fl edging (in autumn); one offspring acquired adult-like male plumage by this time. Breeding groups consisted of 2–5 adults, in home ranges of 30+ hectares; nest sites were in eucalypt saplings and in an exotic pine plantation. Nest-building, breeding behaviour, and food and foraging are described.

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