In 2014, ABSA was contacted by personnel from the Save our Species Program of the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) to report on the status of the Grey Grasswren Amytornis barbatus barbatus in north-western New South Wales. As Jeff Hardy had previously co-ordinated research into this species in south-western Queensland and north-western New South Wales and possessed all required permits he was asked to head up a new team. Financial assistance was forthcoming from the OEH, a report prepared and duly submitted (2014 Report). This survey was repeated in 2015 with an additional report produced (2015 Report).
As a result of the findings in these two reports, ABSA submitted a proposal to OEH in 2018 to better understand habitat utilization by Grey Grasswrens and also to obtain a more precise estimate of the carry capacity of the limited habitat on Narriearra Station. To accomplish this, extra funding was sought to compile a vegetation map of the area and.to radio-track up to 10 individual birds. As a consequence, of first drought and then floods in the study area, only part of this project was completed and a preliminary report produced (2019 Report).
Further research is planned for 2021 to complete this project.
You can find all reports here for download.