
Nest site selection of the White-winged Fairy-wren Malurus leucopterus edouardi on Barrow Island

This study of nest site selection of the White-winged Fairy-wren Malurus leucopterus edouardi on Barrow Island showed that they favoured vegetation that included Melaleuca cardiophylla shrubs but were observed in a range of vegetation types, some of which where M. cardiophylla was not well represented. Nests were found in M. cardiophylla, Acacia bivenosa, A. coriacea, Hakea lorea, Grevillea pyramidalis, Triodia angusta and T. wiseana. Crushed Triodia sp. leaves and fl owers stalks were important nest-building materials, and shrubs such as A. coriacea and A. bivenosa offered good perches in an otherwise sparse to open vegetated arid environment. White-winged Fairy-wrens were also found to nest along roadways on Barrow Island in areas without M. cardiophylla. While sightings of White-winged Fairy-wrens were predominately among M. cardiophylla, it did not appear to be reliant upon this shrub for its nesting requirements, suggesting, that on Barrow Island this subspecies has generalist nesting requirements.

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