
Decline of the Gannetry on Cat Island, Tasmania

Cat Island, Tasmania is one of the few breeding places within Australia of the Australian Gannet Marus serrator. It is the most accessible of the gannetries and has been the focus of attention for many visitors since Flinders first surveyed the islands in the area. Apparently the gannetry was discovered by Flinders but he made only incidental mention of it is his book (1814. p. cxii). He stated that on 8 January 1799 'Mr. Bass went on shore to the small, south- eastern islet [=Cat lsland] whence he brought a boat load of seals and gannets.' The following summary of the gannetry's history comes partly from an unpublished review of Australian gannetries (by D.L.S.) and partly from the files of the Tasmanian National Parks and Wildlife Service.

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