
Measurements, Weights and Seasonal Variation of the Mangrove Honeyeater in south-east Queensland

Analysis of the measurements of museum specimens of Mangrove Honeyeaters Llchenostomus fasclogularls indicated that there were significant differences between the sexes. Males had larger wing, tail and culmen lengths and weights than females. Most of these parameters were not normally distributed but Critical Values were calculated to allow sexing of Individuals with approximate levels of probability (generally 70-80% ). Specimens collected from Mount Dryander (BM(NH) were larger than specimens from other areas of Queensland. Frequency histograms of measurements from Mangrove Honeyeaters banded at Wellington Point near Brisbane showed a clear bimodal distribution only in the case of weights. There was a marked influx of birds in May-June followed by a sharp decline from July-December. The mean weights of males and females were remarkably constant throughout the year.

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